Alcantara Gorges Body Rafting

Body Rafting excursions to the Alcantara Gorges

Experience an Unforgettable Adventure

Adventure, Adrenaline and fun all packed in a two hours of Body Rafting where you will use your body as a raft to go downstream in one of the most beautiful rivers in the all of Italy. The river runs inside a canyon of unmatched beauty. Body Rafting Alcantara is an agency specializing in outdoor activities and undisputed leaders in body rafting and river trekking. We know the territory of the Alcantara Valley and the river like no other, our team each year with great pride and professionalism takes thousands of visitors to discover the beauty of the Alcantara River with an unforgettable river adventure between splashes, diving and laughter.

"Often we say that we have reached our goal when the person arriving as a client leaves us as a friend."

Alcantara Body Rafting Adventure

Join us for an adrenaline Body Rafting adventure!

Join us for an adrenaline Body Rafting adventure in one of the most beautiful rivers in Italy, inside the wild Alcantara Gurne, while diving, splashing, and swimming through small rapids and a series of natural pools. After a brief walk, we will reach the Alcantara River Banks, from where our Body Rafting adventure starts.


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